Category: Uncategorized

ELEVATE heads to South Africa!
We’re going to South Africa! My dad and I are leaving on March 1st to attend the Rapid Lion South African International Film Festival! We hope to see, family, friends and friends of friends at the screenings! This is seriously a full circle moment and a dream come true. When I … Continue reading “ELEVATE heads to South Africa!”

Filmmaker / Actress ANGELA MATEMOTJA Named ‘Best Director’ at London’s 2019 Rainbow Umbrella Film Festival.
I am so incredibly honored and touched by this accolode. I wish I could have been in London to attend the new LGBTQ Film Festival, Rainbow Umbrella! It goes without saying that making a film is a collaboration, but I do have to mention that without the hard work and … Continue reading “Filmmaker / Actress ANGELA MATEMOTJA Named ‘Best Director’ at London’s 2019 Rainbow Umbrella Film Festival.”

The final rewrite: Editing ELEVATE with Andre Lamb and Satish.
Picture lock, meaning story is also locked, AKA the final rewrite, doesn’t happen until editing. One of the reasons we were in post production for so long is because what I had written didn’t exactly work as written. Scene by scene, yes the scenes absolutely worked. What we shot worked. … Continue reading “The final rewrite: Editing ELEVATE with Andre Lamb and Satish.”