Author: matemtotja

ELEVATE heads to South Africa!
We’re going to South Africa! My dad and I are leaving on March 1st to attend the Rapid Lion South African International Film Festival! We hope to see, family, friends and friends of friends at the screenings! This is seriously a full circle moment and a dream come true. When I … Continue reading “ELEVATE heads to South Africa!”

Filmmaker / Actress ANGELA MATEMOTJA Named ‘Best Director’ at London’s 2019 Rainbow Umbrella Film Festival.
I am so incredibly honored and touched by this accolode. I wish I could have been in London to attend the new LGBTQ Film Festival, Rainbow Umbrella! It goes without saying that making a film is a collaboration, but I do have to mention that without the hard work and … Continue reading “Filmmaker / Actress ANGELA MATEMOTJA Named ‘Best Director’ at London’s 2019 Rainbow Umbrella Film Festival.”

Filmmaker / Actress ANGELA MATEMOTJA Earns ‘Female Pioneer Award’ for Debut Feature Film ‘ELEVATE’ at 2018 DTLA Film Festival
Matemotja exemplifies the 2018 festival theme of women’s empowerment Thank you Downtown Los Angeles Film Festival for this amazing Female Pioneer Award, and to my amazing cast, crew, family and friends, for whom without, Elevate would not have been possible. Given the #metoo element within Elevate, I am extremely proud to receive this award … Continue reading “Filmmaker / Actress ANGELA MATEMOTJA Earns ‘Female Pioneer Award’ for Debut Feature Film ‘ELEVATE’ at 2018 DTLA Film Festival”

The final rewrite: Editing ELEVATE with Andre Lamb and Satish.
Picture lock, meaning story is also locked, AKA the final rewrite, doesn’t happen until editing. One of the reasons we were in post production for so long is because what I had written didn’t exactly work as written. Scene by scene, yes the scenes absolutely worked. What we shot worked. … Continue reading “The final rewrite: Editing ELEVATE with Andre Lamb and Satish.”

Brianna Brown Produces/ Stars in Elevate. A film about racism, food addiction and homophobia.
Brianna Brown was in the first play I directed back in 2005 entitled Sunshine for a Midnight Weary. I also cast her in my first short film which she also helped produce. Our working relationship is a long one and our friendship, a very deep one. The main reason she … Continue reading “Brianna Brown Produces/ Stars in Elevate. A film about racism, food addiction and homophobia.”

Ben Jurand Stars as Leon in Elevate.
One of the reasons I brought on actor Ben Jurnad is because I’d worked with him many times on stage, and we actually auditioned for The Actor’s Studio together many moons ago. We did an awesome scene from a John Guare play: The Loveliest Afternoon of the Year. We also worked on … Continue reading “Ben Jurand Stars as Leon in Elevate.”

Alexis Carra stars as Lola in ELEVATE.
Alexis Carra and I go back. Way back. We met in 2008 as memebers of The New Hollywood. We were “goal partners” and I will never forget the moment sitting on her couch and reading to her out load, the first few pages of my first short screenplay, The Encounter. … Continue reading “Alexis Carra stars as Lola in ELEVATE.”

Casting Amir Abdullah as Bernard
Amir Abdullah is one of these special actors that is truly gifted. His instincts are spot on, the depth of his characters layered, his on camera presence undeniable, yet he is the only actor in ELEVATE that I had no prior knowledge of before casting him. In fact, our co-producer … Continue reading “Casting Amir Abdullah as Bernard”

ELEVATE World Premiere
Hi there good people, We are so thrilled to announce that Elevate is an official selection at the 10th Annual Downtown Los Angeles Film Festival! ELEVATE will have it’s world premiere on the big screen in the Regal Cinemas at LA Live! We couldn’t have asked for a better venue … Continue reading “ELEVATE World Premiere”